

124Euro/Telemetry and 24Euro/Espresso/Year ( software license ), excluding VAT

A professional solution for remote monitoring of coffee machines based on capsules / pads, coffee beans


Did your customers run out of coffee in the machine?

Act fast and send them on time!


Is it worth keeping a machine in a location?

Find out how much coffee is ordered and how many servings are prepared!


Are you experiencing collection problems?

STOP the operation of the devices until the situation is resolved!

Choose a complete management solution (telemetry and dedicated software) and stay in constant contact with coffee machines by means of direct access to real benefits, features and reports, real-time information:

  • Location of coffee machines on the digital map
  • Checking the condition of coffee machines: functional or non-functional ?!
  • Sales monitoring and meter management
  • Stock management, supply
  • The possibility of disruption of the operation of the monitored equipment from the software application, which is very useful when trying to recover an equipment that is in temporary custody or when you do not want the delivery of more products than the equipment requires!