New hires are significantly down.
Adrian Dinu, founder of Creasoft: Hiring growth has slowed significantly. If at the beginning of the year, a company with 100 employees would add 2-3 people each month, now they are hiring just one person every few months.
Podcast City Hall Guide - Episode 6
Discutăm în cadrul Podcastului Ghidul Primăriilor - Vocea Administraților Publice - despre inventarierea digitală și despre pontajul electronic cu Adrian Dinu, CEO Creasoft IT
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Electronic signature on phone
Employment contracts, job descriptions, internal order regulations, GDPR declarations, the labor protection sheet or the declarations required in the case of part-time contracts are documents that usually generate mountains of papers in public institutions in Romania.
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Interview with Adrian Dinu - CEO, CREASOFT
The word "inventary" appears 65 time in the 139 pages report of the Court of Auditors. There is an acute need of digitalisation for the record keeping of assets in public institutions
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CREASOFT analisys
Consultanța, agricultura, industria producătoare de bunuri, administrația locală și comerțul sunt sectoarele în care mai bine de jumătate dintre angajații români și-au luat concediu între Crăciun și Revelion.
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