Say goodbye to manual signing and paperwork!
Eliminate the daily manual signing of attendance registers and switch to electronic signatures with CREASOFT’s professional electronic attendance solution, compliant with the Labor Code (Law 53/2003) and GDPR (Law 190/2018).
The CREASOFT system includes electronic attendance devices and associated software. The devices can be mounted on doors for security or used solely for attendance, with a complete kit that connects to any 220V socket.
Creasoft Attendance Device

The attendance kit includes a power supply and a backup battery for operation in case of power outages. Plugging into a power outlet makes the device operational immediately, allowing employees to record their attendance and access the electronic register in less than a minute.
Employee IDs are stored locally, ensuring uninterrupted operation during power outages or signal loss. Configurations are done remotely via a secure web interface.
Creasoft Pass App for Smartphones

Creasoft readers can read both RFID cards and IDs transmitted via Bluetooth by the Creasoft Pass app. When the employee's encrypted ID is read by Bluetooth readers placed near access doors, its validity is verified, granting them access. For users who prefer not to keep their Bluetooth connection active, the Creasoft Pass app can generate a dynamic, encrypted QR code, which can be scanned by Creasoft readers as an alternative to Bluetooth authentication.
For attendance and/or access control with Bluetooth or dynamic QR codes generated on a smartphone, the Creasoft Pass mobile app must be open until the attendance or door entry is completed.
The Creasoft Pass app can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store.
Mobile Attendance

The Creasoft app is an advanced tool for managing work hours, designed for employees who work on the go. It allows for efficient monitoring of work schedules through specific functions that ensure accurate recording of work hours and locations visited.
Benefits of using the Creasoft PC app:
- Efficiency and productivity: Accurate tracking of work hours helps optimize activities and increase productivity.
- Flexibility: The ability to work from home or while traveling without compromising the accuracy of records.
- Transparency and fairness: Automated recordings eliminate human errors and ensure transparency in work hour reporting.
- Detailed reporting: The reports generated by the app provide a clear picture of the time spent at different clients and daily activities.
The Creasoft mobile attendance app is an essential tool for companies that want to implement a modern and efficient system for managing work hours, tailored to the needs of today’s employees.
PC Attendance

Unique in the market of electronic attendance solutions, the CREASOFT app is a 100% Romanian software solution, fully compliant with current Romanian legislation, regularly updated, and supportive of the Human Resources department.
You can comply with current legal provisions transparently and while respecting employee privacy for just 2 euros / Month / Employee!
Mandatory recording of work hours
It is the legal obligation of the employer to present to the labor inspectorate the number of hours worked, daily, by each employee. The fine can reach up to 3,000 lei.
Remote work becomes telework, and the employee... a teleworker
Working from home is regulated by specific telework legislation. Remote attendance is not just the employer’s obligation but also their right. It’s their chance to verify that the employee respects the employment contract and internal regulations, even from home.
Data protection and the GDPR challenge
Even in the new working conditions, compliance with the GDPR remains the employer's obligation. The risk of violating the teleworker’s right to privacy and confidentiality is very high.
Remote employee monitoring currently has limits
More stressful than keeping track of actual work hours from home is maintaining infrastructure security. Current monitoring—when the PC connects to the company’s VPN server, when emails are sent, or when business applications are used—either doesn’t control the entire traffic, doesn’t anonymize it perfectly, or doesn’t offer full security.