
Solve everything quick and easy – use the Self Service Creasoft module for your HR operations!

Request and Manage Leave, Delegations, and Absences directly in the platform

Our Employee Self-Service platform provides easy access to various functionalities, such as managing leave, shift scheduling, obtaining certificates, viewing payslips, accessing personal documents in the employee's file, and internal communication, including SMS messages.

Request and manage leave

The absence module developed by Creasoft offers a comprehensive and flexible approach to managing various types of absences, including paid, unpaid, and recoverable absences. After approval, a leave slip is automatically generated, including the employee's details, the date, and the period of absence.

Concediile mele
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Viewing Shift Scheduling

Employees can access the Creasoft platform to view their work schedules as planned by the manager. This includes information on workdays and hours, including the exact times and assigned shifts.

Planificarea mea
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Generating Certificates Directly by the Employee

The web platform allows the employee to access and download employment certificates directly from their account without having to request these documents from the HR department.

Adeverințele mele
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Accessing Payslips

The module for generating payslips directly from the Creasoft web platform provides employees with quick and easy access to information about their monthly earnings.

Exemplu fluturas salariu
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Personal Document Archive and Electronic Signature

The personal document archive module provides employees with a secure and efficient way to store and manage various personal documents, and the ability to electronically sign them.

Documentele mele
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Employee Communications

The Creasoft employee communication module provides an efficient and centralized way for managers to send information and documents to one or more employees using both email and SMS.

Comunicări angajați
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Request a demo and discover how our self-service platform simplifies HR operations.